The public voting of the merger of Skútustaðahreppur and Þingeyjarsveit is on Saturday June 5th, 2021. Early voting has started and it is possible to vote at the district commissioners offices all over the country and will be open as well at the municipality offices on:
• Tuesday May 25th 10:00 – 15:00
• Wednesday May 26th 10:00 – 15:00
• Tuesday June 1st 10:00 – 15:00
• Wednesday June 2nd 10:00 – 15:00
• Thursday June 3rd 10:00 – 15:00
The main goal of a possible merger is to create a stronger municipality that creates opportunities for improved services and stronger administration, as well as increased resilience in regional, employment and transport matters. The merger is intended to increase the impact and a more determined voice towards the government.
What could a merged municipality look like?
It is important to ensure the services and access of the population to the administration.
Changes in the legal environment of municipalities and increased demands on administration will always be a challenge whether the municipalities merge or not.
In a merged municipality, scope is created for streamlining the procurement of specialist services and information technology, which creates opportunities to hire staff and / or change the roles of employees in the office and thus increase specialization in work.
Digital solutions will be used to increase the democratic participation of the population and make it easier for them to apply for and access the municipality's services.
Establishments where residents can access services will be more than one.
A global pandemic has had a major impact on the operation of the municipalities and there is uncertainty about the development of finances in the coming years. The municipalities have significantly increased their investments and projects in order to gain support for future efforts.
Taking into account about 400 m.isk. merger contributions from the Local Government Equalization Fund are indications that the merged municipality will reach operating balance in 2024 and that the operation will be subject to loan repayments from that time.
Streamlining of procurement and central administration is likely to result in better utilization of funds and increased services to the population.
As a result of the amalgamation of the municipalities, no changes are expected in the imposition of local taxes or real estate taxes. The effect on service fees and service levels will be minor.
Employment, environment and rural development
A united municipality should promote an environmentally friendly society for residents and the business community with an emphasis on innovation, development and knowledge activities.
A united municipality should be able to cope more easily with fluctuations in employment and population development.
Food production, tourism, education and energy production will continue to be the mainstays.
Conditions for a growth spurt in innovation, development and knowledge activities exist as well as opportunities to increase the number of public jobs without placement.
Culture, leisure and sports
Emphasis will be placed on maintaining the uniqueness of the communities that make up the municipality, such as cultural events and festivals. The place will guard for spontaneous cultural activities and promote active leisure activities for both older and younger residents.
Carpooling to attend events and leisure is a key factor.
The challenges of society will be comparable, with or without amalgamation.
Transport issues
Safe transport within the area and to the nearby service core is a prerequisite for a successful merger of the municipalities. Special emphasis will be placed on paved roads and connecting roads and connections between settlements.
The aim is for the united municipality to become a strong unit in a vital struggle for the betterment of improved transport.
School and social services
Drama, primary and music schools continue to operate in existing locations. Emphasis will be placed on good co-operation between the schools to ensure the social potential of students and strengthen networks, not least at the adolescent level.
Increased collaboration between school levels with Framhaldsskólinn á Laugum.
The municipalities cooperate with other municipalities in Þingeyjarsýsla on social services and there will be little change in the service, whether it is a merger or not.
There is interest in establishing day care for senior citizens.
Planning and environmental issues
There is already good co-operation between Skútustaðahreppur and Þingeyjarsveit in planning and construction matters, which will continue whether there is a merger or not.
A new municipal plan is being prepared in both municipalities. The content of the planning proposals is comparable and the work is intended to be used in a simple way in the event of a merger.
Common emphases in planning and environmental issues can be transferred to a merged municipality.
Opportunities for action include an increased emphasis on environmental issues, such as waste sorting, sewerage issues, land use planning, energy exchange in transport and the protection and utilization of natural pearls.
Introductory meetings and elections
Introductory meetings for the merger will take place at the end of April. Election day is June 5th and the elections will take place like traditional local elections. Presentation meetings as well as polling stations and their opening hours will be announced in more detail later.
Who can vote?
Icelandic citizens who are domiciled in either of the municipalities in question and have reached the age of 18 on election day can vote for a merger. Danish, Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish citizens who have been domiciled in Iceland for three consecutive years before election day have the right to vote. Other foreign nationals who have been domiciled in Iceland for five consecutive years before election day also have the right to vote. The registration of a legal domicile is based on three weeks before election day.
The register of electors is available for public inspection at the offices of the municipal council. Individuals can also inspect if they are on the register on the website Í
Voters shall bring personal identification to the polling station.
Vote outside the polls
Absentee voting has started and it is possible to vote at district commissioners offices all over the country and at embassies abroad.
Absentee voting will also be possible at the municipal offices in the last 3 weeks before election day during office hours.
Students residing in the Nordic countries have the right to be entered on the electoral roll, but they must apply for it separately from the National Registry of Iceland on a special form (K-101) as well as submitting a confirmation of residence. It is possible to vote at Icelandic embassies in the country in question.
Głosowanie dotyczy połączenia gmin Skútustaðahreppur i Þingeyjarsveit odbędzie się w sobotę 5 czerwca 2021 r. Jest możliwość oddania swojego głosu poza miejscem zamieszkania w każdym urzędzie Syslumaðurinn .
Głównym celem ewentualnej fuzji jest stworzenie silniejszej gminy, która stwarza możliwości ulepszenia usług i silniejszej administracji, a także ma większy wpływ na kwestie regionalne, zatrudnienie i transport. Połączenie ma na celu zwiększenie wpływu i bardziej zdecydowanego głosu wobec rządu.
Jak mogłaby wyglądać zjednoczona gmina?
Praca , środowisko i rozwój obszarów wiejskich
Kultura, wypoczynek i sport
Problemy transportowe
Usługi szkolne i socjalne
Planowanie i kwestie środowiskowe
Spotkanie zapoznawcze i wybory
Spotkania wprowadzające do fuzji odbędą się pod koniec kwietnia. Dzień wyborów to 5 czerwca, wybory odbędą się w taki sam sposób, jak tradycyjne wybory samorządowe, a spotkania prezentacyjne oraz lokale wyborcze i ich godziny otwarcia zostaną podane bardziej szczegółowo w późniejszym terminie.
Kto może głosować?
O fuzji mogą głosować obywatele Islandii , którzy maja miejsce zameldowania, w jednej z gmin i ukończyli 18 lat . Obywatele Polski , którzy maja miejsce zameldowania w jednej z gmin i mieszkają na Islandii conajmniej 5 lat lub posiadają obywatelstwo islandzkie .
Listy wyborców znajdują się w biurach danej gminy. Osoby mogą zobaczyć, czy są zapisane na listę oraz gdzie mogą głosować na stronie Í
Wyborcy muszą posiadać dokument tożsamości.
Głosowanie poza miejscem zamieszkania
Otwarto wybory uzupełniające i można głosować u komisarzy okręgowych w całym kraju oraz w ambasadach za granicą.
Głosowanie uzupełniające będzie możliwe w urzędach gminnych w ciągu ostatnich 3 tygodni przed dniem wyborów.
- W Reykjahlíð w godzinach otwarcia biura
- W Laugar w godzinach pracy
- W biurze Syslumaðurinn w godzinach urzędowania.
W wyborach zjednoczeniowych studenci mieszkający w krajach skandynawskich mają prawo być wpisani na listę wyborców, ale muszą ubiegać się o to niezależnie do Krajowego Rejestru Islandii na specjalnym formularzu (K-101), a także przedłożyć potwierdzenie Zamieszkania. W danym kraju można głosować w ambasadach Islandii.
Odpowiedzialny za publikację
Komitet współpracy Skútustaðahreppur i Þingeyjarsveit.
Takk fyrir!
Ábending þín er móttekin
Skútustaðahreppur • Hlíðavegi 6 • 660 Mývatn • Sími 46 46 660 •
Þingeyjarsveit • Kjarna • 650 Laugum • Sími 464 3322 •
RR ráðgjöf ehf • •